

Difficulty: Easy. Loose rocks. Wide open area with a blocked off pit in the middle. Distance from Incirlik: 2 Hours using E90 highway. Kanytellis, with its ancient name, is located 50 kilometers west of Mersin and 3 kilometers north of the Mersin-Silifke...
Anavarza Castle

Anavarza Castle

Difficulty of the Castle: Hard. Steep stairs, loose rocks. Difficulty of the City: Easy. Loose rocks. Flat, wide-open area, no walkway. Distance from Incirlik: 1 Hour drive. With the permission of the T.R. (Türkiye Republic) Ministry of Culture and...
Ancient City of Castabala

Ancient City of Castabala

Difficulty of the Castle: Medium. Loose rocks, no guardrails. Difficulty of the City: Easy. Loose rocks. Distance from Incirlik: 1 Hour 20 mins Kastabala-Hierapolis, which is one of the important cities of Ancient Cilicia, is located in the middle of...
Alahan Monastery

Alahan Monastery

Difficulty: Medium. Loose rocks.  Distance from Incirlik: 4 Hours drive. It is in the vicinity of Geçimli village at an altitude of 1300 m, 20 km north of Mut District in Mersin province. The Alahan Monastery, which Evliya Çelebi describes as...